Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Distracted Driving

Eyes on the Road Folks!

My high school basketball coach was my driver's ed instructor and the main thing I remember was him constantly telling us 

"Pay attention, eyes on the road!" 

Teachers don't teach driver's ed any more. We paid $400 for my oldest son to go to a Drivers ed school and $150 for my daughter to do the "Parent taught" drivers ed. (Truth be told, that one is more self taught)  Both kids drove with me in the car for hours and hours before I would turn them loose on their own. They both heard those same words many times. "Pay attention, eyes on the road!" 

What is Distracted Driving?

According to the CDC, 9 people are killed each day and 1,000 more are injured in Distracted Driving accidents. 

There are 3 types of distracted driving:

  • Visual: taking your eyes off the road;
  • Manual: taking your hands off the wheel; 
  • Cognitive: taking your mind off of driving

There are many distracted driving activities like eating, talking to passengers, changing radio stations, using your gps. The list is long. At the top of that list is Texting because it incorporates all three types; you take your eyes off the road, your hand off of the wheel and your mind off of driving. It has become an all too common issue. And did you know the 3rd highest cause of accidents due to distracted driving is watching Netflix? Seriously.

Low gas prices have encouraged more people to drive more often and longer distances.  Growing cities (and their populations which means more traffic) have added to stop and start traffic accidents. Cell phone usage (while driving) has added exponentially to distracted driving. In recent years, distracted driving has caused almost 400,000 people to be injured in car accidents annually, with over 3,000 resulting in death. 

Aside from the human life/pain factor, there are the financial factors. Both the people involved in the accidents and the carriers are affected financially by claims. So carriers penalize bad driving history since they will be the ones paying out the claims, which generally pay you much more than you have paid in insurance premium. 

I know Three great reasons to pay attention and keep your eyes on the road!
You could die.
You could kill someone else.
It is expensive.

So let's all do each other a favor and

Pay Attention and Keep Your Eyes On the Road!

There are three ways to request a quote for your insurance needs: 
* Visit our website
* Call Brockman Premier Insurance at 877-987-8683  

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